Responsible Care

Responsible Care Activities

Based on the recognition that environmental protection and safety and health are fundamental and important issues in business operations, the Tosoh Group has established the Basic Principles Regarding the Environment, Safety, and Health and Action Guidelines, taking into consideration the Japan Chemical Industry Association's Basic Policy on the Environment, Health and Safety. We are promoting RC activities.

Environment, Safety, and Health Basic Principles

Based on the recognition of the prime importance of environmental protection and the assurance of safety and health, the Tosoh Group is engaged in continuous RC activities throughout a product’s life cycle, from R&D, manufacture, use or consumption, through recycling or disposal. We contribute to the sustainable development of society through continuous innovation in the field of chemistry.

Action Guidelines

Employees and officers of the Tosoh Group have established the following action guidelines to serve as the basis for putting into practice the company’s environment, safety and health principles.

  1. Environmental Protection
    • Aim to maximize the effective use of resources through energy conservation, resource conservation, and the 3Rs—reduce, reuse, and recycle—and to minimize the environmental impact of our business activities and help create a recycling-oriented society.
    • Promote community-based environmental protection activities on the recognition that the conservation of biodiversity leads to the sustainable development of society.
  2. People and Plant Safety and Health
    • Always recognize that "safety takes precedence over everything else.”
    • Strive to comprehensively and quantitatively identify and reduce risks in order to eliminate accidents and disasters and ensure stable operations.
    • Strengthen the emergency response system, including for natural disasters.
  3. Chemical and Product Safety
    • Strive to obtain accurate information on all chemical substances handled in research, development, and production, including new products, and ensure appropriate management.
    • Place the highest priority on environmental protection and ensuring safety and health in the provision of products and services.
    • Strive to heighten customer satisfaction through quality control and safety in logistics.
  4. Communication
    • Proactively promote communication with stakeholders through information sharing and dialogue.

Basic Policies for RC Activities

FY2021 Key Basic Policies:

  • New Resolutions for a New Era
  • Aiming for Sustainable Growth
  • Tosoh Group Activities

FY2022 Core Policy:

  • Turning the "New Normal" into an Opportunity for Improvement

What is Responsible Care?

Responsible Care is a voluntary initiative by chemical companies to ensure environment protection, safety, and health in all processes, from development and manufacture to distribution, use or consumption, through recycling or disposal, as well as to publicize the results and engage in social dialogue. Tosoh Group RC activities are not limited to compliance with the law, but also cover environmental protection, safety and disaster prevention, occupational safety and health, chemical and product safety, quality assurance, logistics safety, and voluntary dialogue to earn the trust of society.

The International Council of Chemical Associations published the Responsible Care Global Charter in 2006 (revised in 2014). Tosoh signed the Global Charter in February 2006 and the revised version in September 2014.


RC Promotional Structure

We are working on the following system to promote RC activities.

Nanyo and Yokkaichi Complexes, Tokyo Research Center

  1. The Environment, Safety & Quality Control team at the head office, which is the secretariat of the RC Committee, disseminates to business sites company-wide policy decided by the RC Committee.
  2. The complexes create policies based on company-wide information and disseminate them at committee meetings.
  3. Activities of each department are audited internally at the complexes.
  4. The RC Committee audits activities of the complexes and identifies issues.
  5. The RC Committee deliberates and decides on policies and initiatives for the next year based on the issues identified.

Group Companies

  1. Environment, Safety and Quality Control at the head office, which is the secretariat of the RC Committee, disseminates company-wide policy decided by the RC Committee to all Group companies.
  2. The RC Committee confirms the status of activities at each Group company through safety and environmental inspections.
  3. The RC Committee deliberates and decides on policies and initiatives for the next year based on issues identified through discussions during the inspections.
